Do you have a passion? Do you want to help your community? Do you have ideas that will make Sierra Vista a better place? This is a great way to give back. Serving on a commission also looks really good on a resume. There are always opportunities to help, and the City of Sierra Vista is reaching out to you. Here is their press release.

Sierra Vista, AZ.  05/17/23. Local residents are invited to serve on one of the City of Sierra Vista’s citizen commissions that assist the City Council in particular areas of interest.

Each commission has a unique focus area to include transportation, neighborhoods, tourism, disability issues, and more. The commissions make recommendations to the City Council on the City’s General Plan process, its strategic planning goals and initiatives, and other major projects or initiatives tied to each commission’s focus area. Commission members apply for two-year terms and their appointments are approved by the City Council.

To serve as a full voting member of a board or commission, a person must be a resident in the Sierra Vista postal boundaries or, for certain boards and commissions, within the City limits. Many commissions also welcome associate members who can participate in meetings and activities without casting formal votes. There is no residency requirement for associate members.

To learn more about particular commissions and available seats, head to and click on “Commissions” under the “Government” tab.

Applications are available online or at City Hall. For more information, contact City Clerk Jill Adams at (520) 458-3315 or

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