5 Things Out-of-Towners Discover About Us in Cochise County
Cochise County gets a lot of visitors from all over the world. Some even settle here after finding us through a military assignment, often returning to retire here. What do "outsiders" like about Cochise County? Here are 5 things out-of-towners discover about us in Cochise County.
1. The Mountains and Big Open Skies
I meet visitors and transplants to our area almost every day. Mike was visiting from a state known for its big cities. He commented on how pretty it is here.
I asked him to tell me the number one thing he likes about Cochise County.
"I really like the mountains and big open skies in Cochise County," he told me, without hesitation. "There's so much space here."
2. We're Friendly and Ready to Help
Amy, a transplant from the Midwest, expressed how warm and friendly everyone is.
Amy said, "Store clerks and cashiers at the grocery store look you in the eye and greet you. They talk to you like you're interesting and like you matter. And they're eager to help. I love it here!"
3. Friends Become Like Family
I've lost track of the number of people I've met organically in stores, shops and businesses - people who've become like family, in a surprising number of cases.
I met DeAnna who owns a business suite that hosts spa and beauty treatments - as she was locking up shop one day. I stopped by to ask her what her hours were. That was more than five years ago, and we've been friends ever since.
I've seen DeAnna every few weeks since then, and we've done things together socially on a number of occasions. I've even met most of her extended family and consider her a solid friend. She is one of many friends I've met through their businesses in our community.
4. We're Protective of Our Favorite Businesses
Which brings me to another quirk of living here. Longtime residents each have a list of Favorite Local Businesses. They are businesses with owners and staff who've become like friends, even if casually and only in connection to the business.
I'm on a first name basis with many of the waitstaff in town, folks who work in our local shops and stores, and I'm ready to recommend my favorites at a moment's notice.
But if you're an outsider and you come at one of us with trash talk about one of these beloved establishments, we're going to defend our friends. Sorry, but if you had a bad experience, we're more likely take the side of our local businesses.
5. We Accept Newcomers Easily
A lot of us are transplants from other parts of the country, so we can relate to what it's like to be the 'new guy'. Since Bisbee, Benson, Willcox and Tombstone are all heavy tourist destinations, even native Arizonans welcome out-of-towners with ease.
In Cochise County, you'll find we're ready to accept anyone with a story to tell and a friendly face.