As a kid, Val's family moved every four to six years, stopping in the shadow of major market radio stations across the country. From Chicago to Detroit, Philly to LA, Val fell in love with radio – the music and on-air personalities creating the familiar soundtrack of my new address, helping me navigate new schools, new friends, and a new life. When Val was invited to become part of Sierra Vista’s on-air family, she felt she was finally home. With the nomadic life behind her. She's lived in Cochise County longer than anywhere else and she loves it. With great hiking, amazing friends, and a deep connection to the local music scene, Sierra Vista is not only where she raised her family, but where her roots have finally been set. In a rare moment of downtime, you’ll find Val curled up with a good book and a cup of coffee, her two rescue lab-pit mixes snuggled up close by. Sharing music and radio with Sierra Vista is her passion and she enjoys every moment.
Our Fantastic (and Simple) Holiday Tipping Guide for Arizona
If you're not sure how much to tip, check out our handy guide.
Some AZ Taxpayers Will Get $1400 In Unclaimed Stimulus Money
Are you eligible? Everything you need to know.
Arizona Veterinarians Sounding the Alarm Over a Dangerous Trend
Don't let your dog get into this human "food".
Arizona is Home to One of the Most Boring Cities in the Nation
You won't believe which city ranked so high!
Here’s Why It’s Illegal to Own These 16 Animals in Arizona
There are good reasons to leave this type of animal-ownership to the professionals.
Need a Little Adventure? What Rural Arizona Does on a Typical Day Trip to Tucson
A visit to Tucson is a visit to the big city, for people in Arizona who live in the more rural areas of our state. Here are the places we typically like to visit when we go to Tucson.
Eating These 15 Foods Sold in Arizona Could Destroy Your Health
Eating the food on this list consistently could cause untold health problems and they're all sold in Arizona.
11 Coldest Places to Spend Winter in Arizona
You don't have to travel far to find wintery weather.
Winter Storm Warning: Latest Update on Weather in Southeastern Arizona
A winter storm is headed to Cochise County. Here's what you need to know.
3 of America’s Worst Pizza Chains Are in Arizona
Who has the worst pizza in Arizona? These polls cover the basics.