Does it seem like it's getting harder to drive around in Cochise County? Our two main seasons, Monsoon Season and Snowbird Season make getting around Sierra Vista, Huachuca City, Benson and the rest of the area a lot more difficult than it used to be.

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Credit Canva

I've recently noticed that drivers here seem to be much less courteous and way more impatient than they were as little as 4 or 5 years ago. I know a lot of out-of-towners have set up permanent residence here, but I think we could easily guess who isn't from around here simply by the way they drive.

What You Told Me on Facebook

I asked listeners on the K101 Facebook page to tell me their biggest pet peeves when came to driving. The same complaints were mentioned time and again.

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Credit Canva

The Lane Jumper, The Tailgater & The High Beam Jerk

Sherry said one of her pet peeves is when a driver zips around your vehicle, only to slow down and turn at the next intersection - right in front of you.

Peggy says the "lane jumper". The driver who keeps weaving in and out of traffic trying to find the faster lane. We agreed it would be better to just stay in one lane and keep up with traffic.

Jan said tailgaters get her dander up. When the driver behind you is so close to your back bumper, you're not even sure it's safe to tap the brakes, that's when she worries about the safety of herself and her passengers, she said.

A semi can't stop on a dime. Credit Canva
A semi can't stop on a dime. Credit Canva

Alexandra is a frequent poster on the K101 Facebook page. She drives an 18-wheeler and she's seen a thing or two. Something she sees often are cars on the highway suddenly cutting her 40-ton vehicle off. She noted that this is extremely dangerous. Because she is carrying so much weight, she can't suddenly slow down or stop with risking an accident.

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Credit Canva

Randy mentioned drivers who go too far under the speed limit can be as treacherous as those who speed. Ellen said folks driving with their high beams on when the road is extremely dark is not only annoying, but dangerous. Same goes for high beams and tailgaters blinding you from behind, as Jasmin pointed out.

Headlights. Credit Canva
Headlights. Credit Canva

Sean Paul made the point that, "The key to safe driving is to be predictable on the road. That not only means following the laws on the road but general etiquette."

I couldn't agree more. What are your driving pet peeves?

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