What would people who live in Sierra Vista and Cochise County like to see in our area? We asked this question on Facebook a few days ago, and we started to notice a trend.


Many people who live in Cochise County are transplants from other parts of the United States, and even other countries. So, there were a range of answer to this question. Fast food wishes included In N Out Burger, and Chik Fil A.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Others would love to see something a little more sit down, like a fine dining restaurant. Ryan's Steakhouse was listed as a possibility. Naturally, it wasn't long before loyal fans and long-term residents threw Red Lobster into the mix.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

While we have some wonderful ethnic restaurants here, several of us thought it would be nice to add a good Thai or Indian restaurant as an alternative.

Grocery Shopping

While we have quite a few places to pick up groceries around Sierra Vista, like Safeway and Fry's, we can also grab groceries at Walmart and Target, to name a few places.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

But it turns out, we'd also like to see a few specialty shops or places that sell more organic fare. Trader Joe's and Sprouts were listed repeatedly. A few of us thought an Aldi's would do well.

More Choices for Our Kids

The request that came up over and over is something I've heard expressed for many of the decades I've lived here: More for our kids to do.

Credit: Canva
How would a roller rink do here? Credit: Canva

Ideas like a roller rink, water park, bowling alley, miniature golf course or a theme park were mentioned. Anything that fostered family activities in our area seems to be lacking right now, although some conceded we've made some progress.

Credit: Canva
A bowling alley in Sierra Vista? Credit: Canva

A few people would like to see more school choices, with the possibility of a second high school in Sierra Vista.

Box Stores and a 24 Vet Clinic

Costco and Sam's Club was mentioned repeatedly. Many of us reasoned that this is one of the main reasons people venture to Tucson.

Credit: Canva
How well would an emergency Vet Clinic do here? Credit: Canva

The hotly debated item was a 24-hour emergency veterinary clinic. There was a lot of discussion about why we don't currently have one in Sierra Vista. First, the expense of staffing a clinic, even though there isn't a great demand. Second, finding a veterinarian willing to open an after-hours clinic.

A suggestion was made that a co-op clinic made up of several local vets might be a solution, offering a rotating schedule, much as doctors do in a human hospital.

Credit: Canva
A lot of people would like to see a box store like Costco come to Sierra Vista. Credit: Canva

What would you like to see in Cochise County and Sierra Vista? Something we've listed or something else.

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